Friday, February 17, 2023

THE FUNNY PAPERS: The Week in Memes

There are plenty of reasons to leave the popular social media platforms, but there is one powerful reason to stay. The funniest people you've never heard of post quips and memes, gifs and tic tocs that can make even the most mundane things amusing. When life gives us lemons, leave it to the folks at Twitter to turn them into delightful twists of irony that add zest to even the dreariest culture-war cocktails. This week, there were more than enough events to keep the socials blowing up.

Meanwhile, our military was blowing unidentified flying objects out of the sky. As frightening as that sounds, the scariest thing was the collective yawn from Americans who once took to the streets in terror when Orson Welle's performed War of the Worlds on the radio. Now, we've got real-life generals telling us UFOs are hovering over the continent's largest supply of fresh water, and we're more concerned with what JLo and Ben Affleck were bickering about at the Grammys. At least the internet took it seriously!

As if that wasn't enough to keep us busy, we had the first Super Bowl in years where both quarterbacks are barely drinking age and have never set foot in a BlockBuster. 

To top it off, we had the most romantic day of the year occur this week. Of course, if you're single or have been married since MTV played music videos, you just called it "Wednesday."

I hope you got a few laughs out of this week's collection. Here's to a new week of social media adventures in politics, sports, and celebrity.