Friday, July 21, 2023

THE FUNNY PAGES: The Week In Memes:

The most embarrassing week in news history began with Marjorie Taylor Green displaying photos of a very naked Hunter Biden on the floor of Congress. Of course, to hear the internet talk, that was nothing compared to  Miranda Lambert embarrassing concert goers by chastising then for taking selfies during her performance. Meanwhile, RFK, Jr.  embarrassed himself by whining to Congress that social media is run by big old meanies!  Then, Jason Aldean embarrassed country music by recording a song called “Don’t Try That In a Sundown Small Town," then proceeded to film the video on a plantation notorious for lynchings. On a sad note, we lost one of the most dignified men in music - a man who understood the value of being classy (unlike the aforementioned) - Mr. Tony Bennett. Let's find out what the internet had to say.

Everyone is  tickled pink that the Barbie movie has hit theaters! Everyone expect Ted Cruz who thinks Barbie is now woke. 

Moms For Liberty,  the auxiliary for The Proud Boys, asked to hold a meeting with Ruby Bridges to discuss ways schools can teach about desegregation without making ole whitey look bad. Thus far, she has declined. Any wonder?

We can still blame Canada as the wildfires rage on, wreaking havoc with our air quality. Where’s a good Alberta clipper when you need it?

Would it even be a week if there weren’t further potential indictments against The Former Guy? 

That’s it for this week. Soak up some vitamin D! Stay safe out there. 

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