Friday, June 16, 2023

THE FUNNY PAPERS: The Week In Memes: June 10-16 Edition

Like most weeks, this one had its ups and downs. The biggest downer was the collapse of a portion of I-95 in Philadelphia. Where’s Infrastructure Week when we need it? A high point was when  four lost children in the Amazon jungle were found alive and well. The Unibomber died, baseball season is in full swing, and tornadoes are back in season. As usual, the internet has its say. Let’s check it out. 

Donald Trump is in big trouble for taking all those classified documents and storing them where his grandkids go potty. The memes were a sight to behold. 

The United States “celebrated” Flag Day by pretty much forgetting it exists. Besides, it’s tradition to put those little flags on sticks in a flower pot on Memorial Day and not remove it until pumpkin season. So we’re all covered. 

The Tony Awards happened, and everyone likes Leah Michelle, again. But, the award for Most Noticed Audience Member went to Aaron Rodgers, new quarterback for the New York Jets. 

Finally, Pat Sajak announced he’ll be leaving Wheel of Fortune after its 41st season. Oh, Pat! What would Ed Grimsley say? 

And that is all for this week! May the father figures out there enjoy the weekend. Stay safe out there! 

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