Friday, June 9, 2023

THE FUNNY PAPERS: The Week In Memes: June 3-9 Edition

This week, like so many others, began with not much going on. Sure, Biden and McCarthy came to an agreement to raise the debt ceiling. Naturally, some politician or other said something stupid. Yes, the schools are closed and the pools are open. But, who could have predicted the rest of the crazy happenings?How did the internet memers respond to the madness?  Let’s find out. 

Though there is nothing funny about wildfires and ecological catastrophe, New Yorkers have always managed to maintain their senses of humor. Even when they can’t see three feet in front of them. 

Guess who got indicted yet again? He should have hidden those classified documents under Hunter’s laptop. 

Since the field of people who have no shot at defeating Trump or Biden in any primary race keeps growing, they deserve at least a meme of recognition for their efforts. 

This week, we celebrated National Karen Day! For my part, I ran DNA tests on all the unscooped dog poop in the neighborhood and reported the offenders to the FBI. What are some of your Karen Day traditions? 

That’s all for this week. Wear your sunscreen outdoors. And stay safe!  

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