Monday, March 17, 2025



As a diva of a certain age, I find that social media has become more complicated over the last decade. It started out as a simple concept - you created a profile on a platform, then used it to stay in touch with family and friends. But, before we knew it, those spaces became places to argue about everything from politics to religion to the color of a certain dress. As time went on, we had cancel culture, billionaire battles, and algorithms gone wild. All this on-line activity began to interfere with my cocktail hour. That is why I decided to start my own social network for divas and divos who fall into a particular age demographic. It shall be called Boomer Space and will be a 60+ community open to everyone who agrees the dress is gold and white.

Monday, March 3, 2025


You have probably heard that the stunningly beautiful actress, Pamela Anderson, has decided to forego wearing makeup in public. In fact, you'd have to be buried under a rock to have missed this tiresome image-rehabilitation campaign. It did remind me, however, that as a diva of a certain age, I have a complicated relationship with Big Cosmetic. It began in my youth as a newly-minted teenager and continues, today, as a wisened elder. 

Spoiler alert: I do not look like this with or without makeup

Monday, February 3, 2025


Let’s shop! 

 As a diva of a certain age, it has become imperative that I stick to a budget. This is hardly my idea as I believe life should be lived and money spent! This directive came from my accountant who claims it is for my own good. "Diva, if you continue with this type of spending, you'll have to share an apartment with three other senior citizens and live on Ramen Noodles." How wonderful! Just like my college days. As long as kegs of beer are included, it will be a joy! "Sorry, Diva. If you do not stop purchasing thousands of dollars worth of items from Amazon each month, I'm afraid the only alcohol you'll be able to afford is the free wine at Communion." Oh, that would not do! I agreed to put a limit on my shopping, though I knew it would be challenging for so many reasons.

I just ordered a few last minute things before I cut back! 

Monday, January 20, 2025


Childhood winters were different for us Boomers. It was not just that we walked five miles through a blizzard to get to school (uphill all the way). It was not just that we had more snowstorms (thanks, climate change). It was not even that our winter wear was the absolute height of unfashionable (we were all dressed like Elmer Fudd). It had to do with Mother Nature's greatest gift to children - The Snow Day.  Gather 'round, youngsters, but wait while I grab my snowman-shaped mug filled with Cocoa de Kahlua, the official winter drink of divas of a certain age. Then, I shall regale you with tales of those unexpected  winter holidays of the 50's and 60's.

Haute couture for the 50’s child

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


As a diva of a certain age, the arrival of each New Year's Day feels like a personal triumph. After all, I managed, once again, to outrun the guy with the scythe and hood to ring in another year full of hope and promise. Of course, the older one gets, the hope is for a full-nights sleep, and the promise is that the social security checks keep arriving on time. Therefore, I'm not concerned with making resolutions or grand plans for 2025. Instead, I thought I'd take a trot down memory lane and examine my 2024 successes!

Monday, December 23, 2024


As a diva of a certain age, I cling to holiday traditions like toilet paper on a shoe. Fortunately, there are many rituals which have withstood the passage of time: Christmas trees, gifts, carols, and jolly old Jello shots. However, one practice that is slowly becoming extinct happens to be the very essence of tidings of comfort and joy. I am referring to the Christmas card. The cost of stamps, on-line animated greetings, lack of time, and the rise in glitter allergies (please have your EpiPens at the ready!)  are all reasons they have gone out of favor. However, as one who would have adored the genteel snobbishness of The Golden Age, I mourn the decline of this gracious nicety.  If only we could go back to the glorious days of The Christmas Card Olympics!