Friday, June 21, 2019


*I was happy to receive an advance review copy of the latest Mary Ann Marlowe novel, Dating By the Book, in exchange for an honest review. Enjoy!*

Publisher: Kensington Books
Release Date: June 25, 2019

Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

To read a Mary Ann Marlowe novel is to fall in love. From her smart female protagonists to her charming male love interests, each new book introduces us to characters we want to know in real life. That's why it's always hard to say goodbye when it's time to turn to the final page. This is particularly  problematic with Dating By The Book, the latest from the award-winning author, as Marlowe infuses the story with mystery, making it a true page-turner. Thus, the end arrives all too soon.

I just didn't want it to end!!!

Friday, June 14, 2019


I'm old enough to remember when Facebook was fun. Ten years ago, when everyone was still in a fairly decent mood, you could log onto your page and discover a wealth of information about family, friends, former high-school classmates, your dentist, and that strange couple who live around the corner. Those were the glory days when we all simultaneously changed our profile pictures to giraffes and debated whether that dress was blue or gold. But, times, I'm afraid, have changed. Ladies and gentlemen, Facebook has lost its mojo, and I'm here to announce it is the fault of one generation, and one generation, only. I refer, dear readers, to the Baby Boomers. Now, you all might ask: