Friday, February 24, 2023

THE FUNNY PAPERS: The Week in Memes - February 18-24 Edition

This week gave us a little bit of everything. We started with some sad news about a former President,  continued with a three-day weekend, added a day of over-indulgence, then followed up with the beginning of  the most solemn season on the Christian calendar.  If that weren't enough, Madonna defended her "facial enhancement" on social media, and South Park made fun of Harry and Meghan. Phew! How did the internet respond to such a bounty of meme-worthy events? Let's see.

On Monday the 20th, Presidents Day occurred. This is the day when all good Americans wander out to their mailbox at least twice before saying, "Crap. It's another one of those useless Federal Holidays."   Prior to that, we learned that a President known for his kind heart and good works had been admitted to hospice care. There is no humor to be found as President Jimmy Carter lives out his final days on this earth. But, there were beautiful pieces shared, including this one.

Presidents Day, on the other hand, is fair game for all sorts of humor and creativity.

Click on picture above to enhance.

As if having a three-day weekend wasn't enough, we also celebrated Mardi Gras (aka Fat Tuesday.) Honestly, I don't understand why we body shame a day of the week, but here we are.

And, of course, what follows Fat Tuesday? No, not "Hangover Wednesday." Next up is Ash Wednesday, a day when Christians decide what things they will give up for an entire 40 days. When I was a child, I'd give up candy or a favorite TV show. Then, it was coffee or alcohol. Now, at my age, it's non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers. 

Despite the President's visit to the Ukraine to mark the approaching one-year anniversary of Putin's war, the internet was far more riveted by  South Park's spoof of Harry and Meghan called "The World-Wide Privacy Tour."

Now, let's leave them to their privacy. A train derailment in Ohio left many in crisis, thus giving politicians an opportunity to visit the town and get their faces in the media. But, most people were concerned about only one face -  Madonna's.  

The jokes poured in.

But, maybe we should all listen to the advice of the wonderful Pink.

And that's a wrap for this week! May March come in like a lamb and sweater weather be behind us!

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